Junior cycling: building confidence, being safe and having fun

Tuesdays 5pm to 6pm – Bayford Meadows

Junior Cycling will take place at Bayford Meadows Karting Circuit on Tuesday evenings between 5pm and 6pm. All cycling will be undertaken on a closed road karting track, offering safe bike skills training and fun activities with qualified coaches.

This is available to all abilities, and we are here to help children build confidence on the bike and learn to have fun whilst being active.

Aerial view of Bayford Meadows Kart Circuit

Our coaches provide a regular programme of skills training to help all juniors build
confidence on the bike including cornering, gear changing, drafting, and cycling in groups.

There will also be additional fun activities with transition practice, duathlon, and bike race practice for those wanting to challenge themselves or prepare for future local events.

Bayford Meadows Kart Circuit
Symonds Drive
Eurolink Industrial Estate
ME10 3RY